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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cutting Holes

Hi Again.

Its been some time since I updated the Blog. The one thing I have learned about fitting out motorhomes is that things never go exactly as planned. There have been been a number of delays in obtaining equipment and also with me being sick. Anyway things have certainly moved on since my last post.

Not having the confidence to go cutting holes in the bodywork, I had Peter come and do it. Below are some pics of the finished jobs. I reckon that if I ever do this again, that these jobs will be done first and the internal fitting installed afterwards.

This pic shows the right side of the bus and the install of the fibreglass gas box, the 240 volt inlet and the filler for the right side water tank. Peter used Sikaflex white sealant adhesive to make the gas box fit around the profile of the side of the bus as can be seen in the pic below. Of course there is a cover with a lock to go on yet.

The pic below shows the left side of the bus and the other water filler. Ive decided to go with two fillers because although one would have done for both tanks, it's my intention to plumb each of the two tanks to the pump separately. This will allow me to know when each tank is empty and therefore how much water I have on board. Because of the sizes of the tanks available, I have only 2 x 60 litre tanks. Any extra will have to be carried in portable containers.

That's it for this post. I'll add another one now about the wiring that I have done and also the start of the staining and varnishing.