Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday - Shelving

Hi again. No post yesterday, I just felt too sick to do much at all. I got some done today though including the shelving in the overhead cupboards. Of all of the jobs I've had to do so far, I enjoyed this one the least. The ply I'm using is a hardwood type and quite heavy, and it also splinters really easily. Needless to say my fingers are a mess of splinters. Wearing gloves was a pain, so I had to battle through. The other problen is trying to handle a full sheet of ply and get it through the table saw alone is very difficult.

I got the fridge properly installed on a sheet of ply so I can raise it up off the floor a little to allow for the floor covering and also to level it up. The fridge naturally leans back to allow the door to fall closed. Trouble with is is the it looks wierd when inside the cupboard. All fixed now, level and secured in place.

I also ripped down some of the 42 x 19mm pine to 20mm square which I've used to put in supports for the cladding and some of the shelves. I'm waiting for someone to come around to give me a hand to remove the auto door opener so I can install the left side dinette seat and frame for the wall panels. Tomorrow morning I'll take an early trip to the hardware and get some hinges for the seat hatches, some more 10mm ply (for the left side seat and to line the bottom of the shower), some square ducting for cabling and some wool insulation for the walls. It's almost time to start looking for an electrician to to get the 240V wiring in.

Anyways, photos below are self explanatory.

Ive got somewhere to put the tools now. An early test for the strength of the shelving. seem to be holding up OK so far.

This isthe shelving in one of the kitchen cupboards and my new nail gun. Never used these things before, but I am a convert. They are great. I've also got a smaller C1 bradder and stapler, both of which have been very useful so far. See you next time.